O' The Pines
Large 18,700-acre Corps of Engineers reservoir amid scenic
rolling forest lands; one of the most attractive lakes
in East Texas. Lake fish records include huge smallmouth
buffalo, 97 lb.; largemouth bass, 12.63 lb.; white bass,
1.94 lb.; and spotted bass, 5.56 lb. Modern Corps of Engineers
parks, commercial marinas and camps at lakeside. Excellent
fishing, boating, sailing, water skiing, swimming and
camping. For details of facilities contact reservoir headquarters
at east end of Ferrell's Bridge Dam, F.M. 726. About 10
miles west of Jefferson via F.M. 729; also accessible
from Gilmer, Ore City, Lone Star, Daingerfield and Avinger.
Creek Park
From Tex 49: FM 729 W 3.4 mi; FM 726 SW 5 mi; local
rd NW .7 mi. On Lake O' the Pines. Wheeled camper sites
71 w/elec & water; tent sites 40; limit 14 days. Dump
sta, fl toilets, showers, grills. Swim-lake; fish, boat
ramp. Fed Golden Age/Golden Access cards honored. 903-777-3491
Creek Park
From Tex 49: FM 729 W 11 mi; local rd S .2 mi. On Lake
O' the Pines. Wheeled camper sites 49 w/elec & water;
tent sites 26; reserved group area, 12 sites w/elec &
water, pavilion, limit 14 days. Dump sta fl toilets, showers,
grills. Swim-lake; fish, boat ramp, near service facilities.
Fed Golden Age/Golden Access cards honored. March through
September. 903-755-2637
Creek Park
From Tex 49: FM 729 W 3.4 mi; FM 726 SW 4 mi. On Lake
O' the Pines. Wheeled camper sites 62 w/elec & water;
tent sites 38, limit 14 days. Dump sta, fl toilets, showers,
grills. Swim-lake; fish, boat ramp. Fed Golden Age/Golden
Access cards honored. March - September. 903-665-8261